Olive Oil Poached Halibut

Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil to slowly poach delicate white fish, this recipe is both delicious and heart-healthy. Fork tender with just the right notes of vegetal, peppery Extra Virgil Olive Oil to tickle your senses, fresh Halibut slowly cooks to deliver the most succulent rendition of the delicate white fish you'll ever experience.
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Olive Oil Garlic Confit

Confit cooking is a method of preservation in which items are slowly cooked in fat or oil at a very low temperature, rendering tender, caramelized morsels of richly flavored food. One of the best (and simplest) things to confit is garlic. Bringing out its sweeter, nuttier characteristics, conffiting the illustrious allium in olive oil not only delivers an abundance of caramelly garlic to use however you please, but also infuses the olive oil with garlic's spicier and fresher qualities.
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Olive Oil & The Mediterranean Diet: The Sicilian Secret to Longevity

For decades, the Mediterranean Diet has been lauded by doctors, scientists, and nutritionists for its evidentiary reduction in cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, type two diabetes, and weight loss for those struggling with obesity. With only small inclusions of lean meats like poultry, fish, and dairy, Extra Virgin Olive Oil serves as the main source of added fat and plays a crucial role in the success of this health-focused way of eating.
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Squash Caponata: The Perfect Thanksgiving Side

Bringing influences from Arabia, Greece, Spain, and France, Sicilian caponata is an expression of the islands history. Stewed into a deliciously tangy, sweet and sour agrodolce sauce, eggplant is traditionally the hero of the classic dish. This adaptation swaps eggplant for hearty squash, making it the perfect dish to serve for the holidays.
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Mother Tree: A Symbol of Our Heritage

Native to the Monti Sicani region of Sicily, the Biancolilla Centinara olive tree species was thought to be extinct until a team of researchers at the University of Palermo, including our Chief Scientist and Master Botanist, Dr. Pasquale "Mimmo" Marino, rediscovered it. Self-pollinating and quick to produce fruit, Mimmo recognized the importance of this varietal and carefully nurtured the species to once again thrive in the soils of its heritage.
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Slow-Braised Ossobuco

Made with cross-cut shanks of beef or veal, this is one Italy's most renowned (and of course delicious) braises. Serve with risotto, cripsy prosciutto and Grana Padano. Discover what you've been missing.
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