Balsamic Boulevardier

Adding a touch of sweet acidity and depth of savory must, our smooth traditional balsamic vinegar makes this classic Boulevardier cocktail deeply savory and undeniably interesting. As it turns out, Modena’s black velvet vinegar is the perfect addition to bourbon-forward cocktails. We’re ready to start making cocktails with balsamic vinegar on a regular basis. 




Makes 1 Cocktail


▢ 1 oz bourbon
▢ 1 oz Campari
▢ 1 oz sweet vermouth
▢ a drizzle of aged Balsamic Vinegar
▢ Lemon twist to serve


 For an NA option, you can swap out the bourbon, Campari and vermouth with Three Spirit Nightcap


  1. Combine bourbon, Campari, vermouth and balsamic vinegar in a cocktail shaker with ice. Stir with a cocktail spoon until chilled (20 seconds). 
  2. Strain into a whiskey tumbler with a nice whiskey ice cube. 
  3. Garnish with a twist of lemon. 
  4. Saluti.




  1. What is a Boulevardier cocktail? A Boulevardier cocktail is a Negroni, but swaps the gin for bourbon. Bourbon takes the crisp, botanical classic Negroni and makes it smokey, rich and subtly sweet. 
  2. Do I have to use Balsamic Vinegar from Modena? The secret to this cocktail is the viscosity of a traditional balsamic vinegar from Modena. Aged for at least 7 years, this vinegar is deeply flavored and has had a chance to thicken up, giving it a sweeter and richer body. Anything too thin will be too acidic for this cocktail. 
  3. Can I use another vinegar in this cocktail? No. The unique, musty, sweet flavor of balsamic is critical. 
  4. What kind of glass should I use for a Boulevardier? A classic whiskey tumbler with a large whiskey ice cube is ideal. 


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