Listening to the Land

At Bona Furtuna, our commitment to creating the finest extra virgin olive oil and Italian fare is a holistic venture that begins from the ground up and extends beyond perfecting the best production practices. It starts with a desire to understand and learn from the natural world. The land has the answers to the challenges we face, when we're ready to listen to it. From this understanding of the intricacies of the biological heritage of Sicily and our farm we are able to make the purest foods that you've come to expect from us.

Being Organic

Since the founding of Bona Furtuna we've been committed to producing the purest organic Italian fare possible. With the exception of Pure Sicilian Sea Salt (salt is a mineral and can't be certified organic), all Bona Furtuna products are certified organic. We take this seriously, having our products certified by both European and American certifying bodies.

Why does this matter? Being certified organic means nothing artificial is used in or on our food. No synthetic pesticides, no artificial ingredients, no genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). You get the purest food made from the cleanest ingredients. This makes for a healthier land and a healthier you. It's also better for our employees, as they're not exposed to any harsh chemicals. We've taken it a step further by implementing a regenerative organic agricultural system which builds up the health of the soil, making for a healthier land now and for future generations.


Biological diversity is a core component of a healthy ecosystem. A loss in the biodiversity of an ecosystem has widespread consequences that reach well beyond that habitat. Species that survive in areas of biodiversity loss are the best carriers of pathogens, and as habitats are destroyed humans can come into even closer contact with these pathogen carriers reeking havoc on human health. This can eventually impact our food systems and in turn our economic well-being. Protecting this diversity is a part of our foundation at Bona Furtuna.

The biodiversity of our farm is exemplified by the Biancolilla Centinara olive tree, which was rediscovered on our property by our Master Botanist, Pasquale "Mimmo" Marino. This olive varietal, previously in danger of extinction, is now thriving on our farm in Sicily, allowing us to be the only commercial producer of Biancolilla Centinara olives. In fact, many of the foods we make at Bona Furtuna use heirloom varieties that are unique to the Sicilian landscape. Our Marinara Sauces use heirloom Corleonese tomatoes (we're also the only commercial producer of the Corleonese tomato in the world). And our Ancient Grain Pastas are crafted from non-GMO Sicilian heirloom wheat varieties. We will continue to preserve the diverse biological heritage of our land as we grow.

At Bona Furtuna, we're proud of the food that we make and the impact that we have had so far. There's still a long way to go, but we'll continue to let the land tell us the best path forward. We're honored to have you on this journey with us.

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