Stuffed Calamari

Whether you're preparing an elaborate multi-course feast, plan to have 7 seafood dishes adorning your dinner table, or are going to keep it simple with one seafood inclusion, we think this stuffed calamari should make an appearance at your Christmas dinner.
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Rigatoni al Forno

Abundant with rich meat, warming marinara sauce, and savory melted cheese, pasta al forno is often served on Christmas to satisfy many appetites. Finished with crispy toasted breadcrumbs, this baked rigatoni is a favorite across all generations.
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Porcini Mushroom Risotto

Foraging for mushrooms is ritualistic and requires immense patience. After hours spent tromping through mushroom territory, you may come home bearing pounds, ounces, or none of the marvelous treasure. Filled with the earthy nuances of wild fungi, this mushroom risotto balances rich textures with umami flavors with a bright pop of lemon, fresh herbs, and aromatic fennel pollen. A wonderful dish to serve throughout the year, it is particularly nice during the holiday season.
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Italian Easter Appetizers

For those who celebrate, Easter is a time to relish the arrival of springtime and rejoice in the cycle of life. For all of us, the arrival of spring delivers the perfect excuse to get together and revel in the rebirth of the growing season and the promise of warm weather. The vibrant colors, fresh smells and bountiful flavors of spring beckon us to the kitchen.
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St. Joseph's Day

Revered by many as the patron saint of Sicily, San Giuseppe, or Saint Joseph, is celebrated throughout Italy on March 19th with elaborate feasts. Husband to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ's legal father, many Italians also use the holiday to celebrate Father's Day.
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Ring in the New Year Like an Italian

The New Year, no matter when or where you celebrate it, is a signal of hope and rejuvenation. It is a time to reflect and think through both the good and bad that touched our lives throughout the past year. As we step into the start of our next cycle, it is also a time that we look forward, often beckoning a desire for change and betterment, however that may look. In Italy, this inevitable progression of time is celebrated with various customary practices and tradtitional food to both bid farewell to the past, and welcome the forthcoming future.
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Short Rib Ragù Lasagna

A savory-sweet scent hangs in the air, filling your head with a comforting, familiar warmth. the smell of toasted, crispy, melty cheese and rich, mouthwatering ragu instantly floods your chest with the ache of nostalgia. Ah, lasagna. This slowly braised short rib ragu layered with a simply perfect bechamel sauce makes for a lasagna worth celebrating over. Don't be afraid of the timing. Yes, it will take time, but we promise it is worth it.
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Christmas Salt Baked Whole Fish

One of our favorite ways to incorporate fish into a tradition Sicilian Christmas dinner is by baking it to perfection in a dome of salt. Trapping moisture within its crust, salt baking a fish results in delicate, melt in your mouth bites of fish. Serve with our preserved lemon salsa to bring a fresh taste of the Mediterranean to your Christmas table this year.
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