Unveiling the Enchantment of Italy's Lazio Wine Region

Nestled in the heart of central Italy and home of "the eternal city," Lazio stands out among Italy's illustrious wine regions. The region's favorable climate, characterized by mild winters and warm summers, has nurtured vineyards since before the Roman Empire.
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Your Biscotti Questions, Answered

Biscotti, the infamous Italian coffee mate, hold a special place in everyones hearts. Known for their unique texture and delicious adaptability to flavor, many have asked what sets our biscotti apart from the rest? Why are they not as hard as the rest? What really is a biscotti cookie? We've answered these questions and more to help you get to the bottom of the wonderous treat.
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Tuscany: Wines from the Renaissance

With its rich history and ideal growing conditions, you could spend lifetimes discovering and uncovering the many secrets of Tuscany. With its stunning landscape, rustic aesthetic, and countless exceptional wineries to visit, it's a place you can return to over and over again.
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Sicilian Almond Festival: Celebrate the Arrival of Spring

Bud-laced branches hover above dry grass fields speckled with flashes of green. Warmth from an early spring sun melts the crisp air and tickles the buds to unleash their tight grip, quickly unfurling pale pink blossoms in a wave of color across Agrigento. Soon, these same branches will hang heavy with sweet Sicilian almonds. The first days of spring have been announced, and it is time to celebrate Sicily's awakening.
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La Festa Degli Innamorati: Valentine's Day In Italy

An excuse to shower your lover with material manifestations of your affection, Valentine's Day offers us all a chance to channel our inner-romantic. Whether you spend weeks planning out elaborate gifts and meals, or need to grab a bunch of flowers on your way home, February 14th isn't just a day to symbolize love through mass commercialization, nor is it a day made to celebrate monogomy over celibacy or polyamory. If anything, the origins of Valentine's Day cam closer to celebrating the latter rather than the former.
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Sicilian Citrus: Luminous, Delectable, and Nurturing

Bright, fresh, and sweet, the intoxicating scent of citrus floats on Sicily's saline Mediterranean breeze, swaying through the hills like the gentle surf that caresses its shoreline. Across the verdant island, striking hues of yellow, green, and orange pop through curtains of greenery. This symphony of color, smell, and taste springs from sidewalks, crawls up mountainsides, and adorns roadways, making Sicily the iconic citrus paradise it is beloved as.
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Mother Tree: A Symbol of Our Heritage

Native to the Monti Sicani region of Sicily, the Biancolilla Centinara olive tree species was thought to be extinct until a team of researchers at the University of Palermo, including our Chief Scientist and Master Botanist, Dr. Pasquale "Mimmo" Marino, rediscovered it. Self-pollinating and quick to produce fruit, Mimmo recognized the importance of this varietal and carefully nurtured the species to once again thrive in the soils of its heritage.
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Grottaglie: The Heart of Italian Ceramics

Tucked into the hillside of Monte Samuel Pizzuto, Grottaglie, also known as "the city of ceramics," has been home to ceramicists for centuries. Surrounded by deep ravines and cool caves, the clayey earth of this charming Northern Puglian town has been worked by human hands since at least the Classical Age (8th-6th Century BC). Later settled by ancient Greeks and Romans, the charming town was put on the map for its ceramic production during the Middle Ages.
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