St. Joseph's Day

Revered by many as the patron saint of Sicily, San Giuseppe, or Saint Joseph, is celebrated throughout Italy on March 19th with elaborate feasts. Husband to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ's legal father, many Italians also use the holiday to celebrate Father's Day.
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Sicilian Almond Festival: Celebrate the Arrival of Spring

Bud-laced branches hover above dry grass fields speckled with flashes of green. Warmth from an early spring sun melts the crisp air and tickles the buds to unleash their tight grip, quickly unfurling pale pink blossoms in a wave of color across Agrigento. Soon, these same branches will hang heavy with sweet Sicilian almonds. The first days of spring have been announced, and it is time to celebrate Sicily's awakening.
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Festino di Santa Rosalia

Every year in July Sicily celebrates the Festino di Santa Rosalia, or Feast of Saint Rosalia, one of the biggest holidays of the year in Sicily.
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