Climate Neutral Certified: What Does It Mean?

As a business committed to promoting the health and sustainability of our planet and people, we have a responsibility own our impact on the environment, and continuously work to improve our systems and lower our footprint.  We pledged to become Climate Neutral Certified by 2025. With the immediate impacts of climate change upon us, we realized that waiting was no longer an option. The only option was action. We accelerated our efforts and are proud to say that we received our Climate Neutral certification two years ahead of schedule. 


Understanding the scope of our direct and indirect emissions takes a lot of work, and The Change Climate Project helps companies like ours to measure, reduce, and offset their carbon emissions. Our certification signifies that we have measured our cradle-to-consumer emissions and offset them by investing in climate change solutions while continuing to take action to reduce our overall carbon footprint. 


Carbon Footprint



In 2022, our overall greenhouse gas emissions were a conservative estimate of 342 tons of carbon dioxide emissions (tCO2e). To understand our overall greenhouse gas emissions for the year, we measure our Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions. 

Scope 1 emissions account for direct emissions from a company’s fixed assets such as energy used in fleets, equipment and buildings. For 2022, our Scope 1 measured at 0.45 tCO2e.

Scope 2 emissions account for indirect emissions from purchased electricity. In 2022, our Scope 2 measured at 4 tCO2e. 

Scope 3 emissions account for emissions from all other company activities including raw materials, manufacturing, shipping, air travel and other supply chain related activities. For 2022, our Scope 3 measured at 338 tCO2e.



We offset our 342 tCO2e by investing in two Verified Carbon Standard projects that meet the Climate Neutral Standards: Rural Nepal Improved Cookstove Distribution which helps communities replace inefficient wood-burning cookstoves with more efficient, safer models, and Katingan REDD+ Forest Protection which is focused on preventing deforestation in important forest ecosystems. 


Offsetting our carbon footprint is just the first step in a long process of reducing our carbon emissions. As we continue our work to reduce our overall footprint, we will do so with tangible incremental goals. For the next 12 months, we pledge to: 

  1. Implement a structured recycling program and policy for all of our controlled facilities to recycle 100% of recyclable materials. In addition, we will work to implement a larger recycling program for our shared office building. 
  2. Transition 90% of freight into ocean freight or ground shipping across all of our sourcing activities (packaged food, packaging, promotional materials, etc.).
  3. Reduce our single use swag to 5% of our overall purchases for marketing materials such as, but not limited to, t-shirts, hats, pamphlets, recipe cards, stickers. BFNA will implement a policy concerning limited usage of single use swag.

To learn more about our certification, please feel free to visit The Change Climate Project, or reach out to us with any questions. 



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